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How do credits work?
How do credits work?

We only charge a credit for a verified result. If you get multiple verified emails for a query, it's still one credit.

Updated over 12 months ago

When you put in a name and (or just a) website to get emails you can get many different results.

The basic rule to remember
The basic rule is we ONLY charge a credit for fully verified results and it does not matter how many results are returned.

When you enter a single search, which results cost a credit and how many?
1 fully verified email? 1 credit
20 fully verified emails? 1 credit
1 partially verified email? 0 credits
20 partially verified emails? 0 credits

In short, if you enter in a search for jack smith, and Jack has 3 emails and all come back as verified, it's only 1 credit. If you enter in just and we give you 25 verified emails, it's still only one credit. Anything else that comes back as 'unverified' is free. See the types of emails we provide.


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